Woman receiving acupuncture.Woman receiving acupuncture.
Time 1990s
Title CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) consumer interest expands
Event David Eisenberg, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, publishes a historic study on alternative and complementary therapies. He estimates that alternative medicine is a $13 billion out-of-pocket industry in the United States annually. In a 1997 repeat of this study, Eisenberg finds that the amount spent on these therapies rises to approximately $30 billion.

Managed care and other health insurance organizations begin offering a greater variety of mental health treatments. These include relaxation seminars and tools, talk therapy, stress reduction and resources.

Physicians start to ask patients whether they are using therapies like acupuncture, massage, and herbs. Concern rises for how these treatments interact with conventional drugs and therapies.

Although spirituality is often incorporated into alternative therapies and end-of-life health care plans, the general medical community does not necessarily embrace or reject it as a treatment.

Maimonides Psychosomatic Med. Placebo Use In Trials Deprivation Research Stress & Healing Humanistic Psych. Medieval Medicine Acupuncture Trial Sickness Behavior Brain-Immune Breakdown Molecules of Emotion Biofeedback Stress Research Chiropractic Freud's Research Osteopathy Allopathy Homeopathy Persian Medicine Chinese Medicine Greek Medicine Egyptian Physicians Imhotep Bedside Manner Brain-Immune Link NCAAM Established Alternative Medicine Immune Conditioning Meditation for Health Emitions & Brain Doctor/Patient Book Emotion Research Spirituality & Health Naturopathy Mind/Body Book Modern Era Roman Medicine Hippocratic Era Ayurvedic Medicine Cam Use