Emotions and Attitude Bibliography and Resources


The HealthEmotions Research Institute University of Wisconsin

Books and Articles

A Path With Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life. Jack Kornfield. Bantam, 1993.

Best Laid Schemes: The Psychology of Emotions . Keith Oatley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ .Daniel Goleman. Bantam, 1997.

Emotionally Free: Letting Go of the Past to Live in the Moment . David Viscott. McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books; 1 edition, 1993.

Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life. Paul Ekman. Times Books; 1st edition, 2003.

Emotions: The Science of Sentiment. Dylan Evans. Oxford University Press, 2001.

Getting Through to Your Emotions with EFT: Tap into Your Hidden Potential with the Emotional Freedom Techniques . Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Holistic Communications, 1991.

Healing Emotions: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions, and Health. Daniel Goleman. Shambhala, 2003.

Healing Through the Dark Emotions: The Wisdom of Grief, Fear, and Despair. Miriam Greenspan. Shambhala, 2004.

Managing Your Emotions: Instead of Your Emotions Managing You . Joyce Meyer. Joyce Meyer Trade, 2002.

Mind, Stress, and Emotions: The New Science of Mood. Gene Wallenstein. Commonwealth Press, 2002.

Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine. Candace B. Pert. Scribner, 1999.

Music and the Emotions: The Philosophical Theories . Malcolm Budd. London: Routledge, 1985.

SOS Help for Emotions: Managing Anxiety, Anger, and Depression. Lynn Clark. Parents Press; 2nd edition, 2001.

Teachings on Love. Thich Nhat Hanh. Parallax Press, 1998.

Understanding Emotions. Peter Goldie (Ed.). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2002.

Books on Attitudes

Attitude is Everything: 10 Life-Changing Steps to Turning Attitude Into Action. Keith Harrell. HarperBusiness, 2002.

Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude... and You Change Your Life. Jeff Keller. International Network Training Institute (INT), 1999.

Attitudes of Gratitude: How to Give and Receive Joy Everyday of Your Life. M. J. Ryan. Conari Press, 1999.

Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self. Rosalene Glickman. Wiley, 2002.

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. W. Stone. Pocket; Reissue edition, 1991.

The Bad Attitude Survival Guide. Harry E. Chambers. Perseus Books Group, 1998.

The Positive Thinker's 10 Commandments: For a Happier, Healthier, More Successful You. Alice Potter. Berkley Publishing Group, 2001.

Books on Self Esteem

Breaking the Chain of Low Self-Esteem. Marilyn Sorensen. Wolf Publishing Co., 1998.

Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out. Phillip McGraw. Free Press, 2003.

How to Raise Your Self-Esteem. Nathaniel Branden. Bantam Books, 1988.

104 Activities That Build: Self-esteem, Teamwork, Communication, Anger Management, Self-discovery, and Coping Skills. Alanna Jones, Rec Room Publishing, 1998.