Learn Stress Reduction Techniques

Learn Stress-Reduction Techniques

There are many ways to enhance your healthy behaviors and reduce your reliance on destructive habits. To start, learn how to turn off your body’s “fight or flight” reflex through breathing, exercise, relaxation techniques, and mental/emotional reframing practices.

Realize that it takes practice to achieve ultimate benefit from any relaxation technique. Know also that your body can fight better when it is fit, so it’s very important to eat well, get adequate rest, and exercise regularly.

Here are some simple stress-reducing strategies to help you on your quest for stress mastery:

  • Practice meditation or other quiet reflection
  • Take mini-breaks during the day
  • Invite a mindful state as you go about your day
  • Get bodywork to help you get in touch with sensations in your body
  • Engage in expressive therapies such as art, music, or dance
  • Talk with people you trust
  • Ask for, and receive, help
  • See a counselor or attend group support sessions
  • Choose not to worry about things you cannot control
  • Have fun through sports, hobbies, or social activities

The Relaxation Response

Mindful relaxation is an effective way to combat stress. With a little practice, you can learn how to shift into a relaxation mode. Over time, you will develop an ability to shift into a more relaxed state in the midst of stressful situations.

Try these steps to help you achieve mindful relaxation:

  • Commit to an uninterrupted length of time each day to do your practice. You might begin with five minutes, and increase from there. Twenty minutes of relaxation once or twice a day is optimal.
  • Choose a quiet place. Turn off the television, radio, computer, and telephone.
  • Find a comfortable body position. You can sit or recline in a chair, or settle comfortably on the floor. Make sure you feel supported.
  • Focus on the repetition of a word, sound, prayer, or your breath flowing in and out
  • Create a positive state of mind. While you may not always be able to block out worries or negative thoughts, don’t attach to them. Let them float by like clouds in the sky.

Breathing Techniques

Another way to master stress is to be aware of your breathing. When people feel panicked or unconsciously stressed, they tend to take short, shallow gasps of air. The resulting lack of oxygen restricts blood flow and causes muscles to tense. By allowing more air to enter your body, you slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and break the stress cycle.

Try the following Two-Minute Relaxation breathing technique:

  • Focus your attention on your breathing. Take a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly.
  • Mentally scan your body. Notice areas that feel tense or cramped. Quietly loosen them. Let go of as much tension as you can.
  • Rotate your head in a smooth, circular motion once or twice, avoiding any movements that cause pain.
  • Roll your shoulders forward and backward several times. Let all of your muscles completely relax.
  • Recall a pleasant thought, event, or place.
  • Take deep breaths and exhale slowly.


Imagery exercises use creative imagination to “picture” scenarios that relax and heal. They can be done on your own, or with a facilitator guiding you, which is called guided imagery.

A common relaxation practice is to mentally picture yourself in a pleasant place that puts your mind and body at ease. For example, imagine yourself lying on a beach with the sun shining, listening to the waves. It is important to imagine a place that has a positive association for you (an ocean beach may not be a pleasant place for everyone!).

Another use of imagery is when cancer patients imagine their immune cells eating and destroying malignant cells. Studies done with cancer patients show that the use of guided imagery markedly improved stress levels.