Exercise and Fitness Bibliography and Resources


Harvard Medical School's Consumer Health Information.

Center for Disease Control

Government Publications on Fitness

Some stretching exercises

American College of Sports Medicine Health and Fitness Information

Georgia State University Information on Strength Training

American Council on Exercise

Physical Activity Recommendations in the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Books and Articles

Blair, S.N., Kohl, H.W., 3rd, Barlow, C.E., Paffenbarger, R.S., Jr, Gibbons, L.W., Macera, C.A. (1995) Changes in physical fitness and all-cause mortality: a prospective study of healthy and unhealthy men. JAMA, 273:1093--8.

CDC. Physical activity and health: report of the Surgeon General. (1996) Atlanta, Georgia: U.S. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, 1996.

Colcombe, S.J., Kramer, A.F., Erickson, K.I., Scalf, P., McAuley, E., Cohen, N.J., Webb,A., Jerome, G.J., Marquez, D.X., Elavsky, S. (2004) Cardiovascular fitness, cortical plasticity, and aging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 101:9:3316-21.

Eickhoff-Shemek, J. and Berg, K. Physical Fitness: Guidelines for Success. To order copies of this booklet, contact JoAnn Eickoff-Shemek (813/974-04676) of Kris Berg (402/554-2670).

Haapanen-Niemi, N., Miilunpalo, S., Pasanen, M., Vuori, I., Oja, P., Malmberg, J. (2000)

Body mass index, physical inactivity and low level of physical fitness as determinants of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality 16 year follow-up of middle-aged and elderly men and women. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 24(11):1465-74.

Janz, K.F., Dawson, J.D., Mahoney, L.T. (2002 ) Increases in physical fitness during childhood improve cardiovascular health during adolescence: the Muscatine Study. (Suppl 1):S15-21.

Kinney, J., Tucker, H. (ed). (1992) Energy Metabolism: Tissue Determination and Cellular Corollaries. Raven Press. New York, p63.

Kotulak, R. (2004) Chicago Tribune . March 17. Chicago, IL. p.1.

LaMonte, M., Durstine, J. L., Addy, C., Irwin, M., and Ainsworth, B. (2001) Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, and Farmingham 10-Year Risk Score: The Cross-Cultural Activity Participation Study. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation , 21, 63-70.

Mokdad, A.H., Bowman, B.A., Ford, E.S., et al. (2001) The continuing epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the United States. JAMA, 286(10):1195-1200.

Mokdad, A.H., Bowman, B.A., Ford, E.S., et al. (2003) Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and obesity related health risk factors. JAMA, 289;76-79.

National Institutes of Health. Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults . Bethesda, Maryland: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 1998. pp 12-20.

Nelson, M.E.; Wernick, S. (1997) Strong Woman Stay Young. New York : Bantam Books.

Pollock, M.L., Gaesser, G.A., Butcher, J.D., Despres, J., Dishman, R.K., Franklin, B.A. (1998) ACSM Position Stand: The Recommended Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory and Muscular Fitness, and Flexibility in Healthy Adults , 30(6):975-91.

Pratt, et. al. (1999) CDS Behavioral Risk Factor Survey . Center for Disease Control. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. "Fitness Fundamentals." http://fitness.gov/fitness.html

"Prevalence of Physical Activity, Including Lifestyle Activities Among Adults“ United States, 2000-2001. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report , August 15, 2003.

Rafferty, A.P., Reeves, M.J., McGee, H.B., Pivarnik, J.M. (2002) Physical activity patterns among walkers and compliance with public health recommendations. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(8):1255-61.

Stear, S. (2003) Exercise and Health ”Health and Fitness Series“ The important of physical activity for health. Journal of Family Health Care , 13(1):10-3.

Suminski, R.R., Petosa, R., Utter, A.C., Zhang, J.J. (2002) Physical activity among ethnically diverse college students. Journal of American College Health . 51(2):75-80.

Taylor, C.B., Sells, J.F., Needle, R. (1985) The relation of physical activity and exercise to mental health. Public Health Report, 100:195-202.

Women's HealthSource, Mayo Clinic, March 01, 2004.