The New Medicine PBS Special
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Extraordinary changes are underway in today's American health care system. The New Medicine, a special PBS series on integrative medicine, aired on March 29, 2006 to an audience of over 4.2 million people.
Recognizing the importance of public awareness to the growth of integrative medicine, early in its history, The Bravewell Collaborative resolved to create a high-quality Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series similar in scope and quality to Bill Moyers’ Healing and the Mind.
Judith Moyers, executive producer for most of Bill Moyers' work, provided counsel to the Bravewell Collaborative on a pro bono basis. Middlemarch Films, an award-winning and highly respected producer of documentary programming was retained and Twin Cities Public Television (TPT), highly regarded in the industry for its national productions, was secured as the sponsoring station.
PBS approved the two-part series for nationwide, prime time viewing and made it part of the PBS Health Initiative. The New Medicine series aired for the first time on March 29, 2006. More than 561 local PBS stations nationwide broadcast the show to an estimated 4.2 million viewers.
Episode I reveals how science is proving the power of the mind-body connection. It features advances in immunology and neurobiology and NIH-funded research studying the underlying biological mechanisms involved in healing. Relationships between stress and the immune system, and between the brain and treatment of chronic pain are explored.
Episode II examines the growing acceptance of holistic, mind-body medicine and ways it is changing health care in areas such as physician training, the hospital environment and the doctor/patient relationship, and how it is ultimately making medicine more humanistic.
On November 3, 2006 the production was awarded a FREDDIE for excellence in health and wellness media, the nation’s highest honor for medical media.
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Produced by Muffie Meyer and
Jennifer Raikes. Directed by Muffie Myer. Written and co-produced by
Ronald Blumer. Editors/Co-Producers: Donna Marino and Sharon Sachs.
Music composed by Richard Einhorn.
Major funding for The New Medicine was provided by WebMD Health Foundation.
Additional major funding was provided by: The George Family Foundation and Penny and Bill George, The Lura & David Lovell Foundation, The Christy & John Mack Foundation and Christy and John Mack, The Simms & Mann Family Foundations, The Bernard Osher Foundation, the Fannie E. Rippel Foundation, William Sarnoff, and Ruth Stricker and Bruce B. Dayton.
Additional funding was provided by: Wyeth, The Globe Foundation, Novartis, Definity Health Corporation, Colburn and Alana Jones, The Michele & David Mittelman Foundation, The Rudolf Steiner Foundation, Complementary Care Foundation, The Fullerton Foundation and The Arnold P. Gold Foundation.
The New Medicine Physician Advisory Board:
- Brian M. Berman, MD
Founder and Director, Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Erminia (Mimi) Guarneri, MD
Founder and Medical Director, Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, La Jolla, CA
- Mack Lipkin, MD
Director, Division of Primary Care, Department of Medicine, New York University Medical Center School of Medicine
- Woodson Merrell, MD
Executive Director, Continuum Center for Health and Healing, Beth Israel Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
- Ralph Snyderman, MD
Chancellor Emeritus and James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine
- Esther Sternberg, MD
Director, Integrative Neural Immune Program and Chief of the Section on Neuroendocrine Immunology and Behavior, National Institute of Mental Health and National Institutes of Health
Contributing institutions:
- Duke University Medical Center, College of Medicine, and Duke Integrative Medicine
- The David Center for Children's Pain and Palliative Care, Hackensack University Medical Center
- Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, Ohio State University Medical Center
- University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine
- W.M. Keck Laboratory for Functional Brain Imaging and Behavior, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Blue Shield of California
- Drexel University College of Medicine
- University of California, San Diego Student-Run Free Clinic
- Center for Integrative Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
- Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine
- Center for Spirituality and Healing, University of Minnesota